Benefits of Yoga International Day of  Yoga 2022

The International Day of Yoga has been celebrated annually on 21 June since 2015, following its inception in the United Nations General Assembly in 2014.

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice which originated in India.

This year the theme for Yoga Day is - "Yoga for Humanity"

The word "yoga" is derived from the Sanskrit root Yuj, meaning "to join", "join" or "to unite"...

... symbolizing the unity of mind & body; thought & action; restraint & fulfillment; harmony between human beings & nature, a holistic approach to health & wellbeing.

Yoga helps us to stay positive and motivated...

Benefits: Yoga improves flexibility, strength, balance and  helps achieving harmony.

Yoga helps with back pain relief.

Yoga can ease arthritis symptoms

Yoga benefits heart health and breathing.

Yoga relaxes you, to help sleep better.

Yoga energies you and improve your mood.

Yoga helps in managing overall stress.

International Day of Yoga 2022