For any digital marketer, Google Analytics is the key to a far-sighted business decision. The best thing about Google Analytics is that it is a free web analytics tool. It provides in-depth statistical and analytical data for search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing campaigns run for a website.
“Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand. Google launched the service in November 2005 after acquiring Urchin.”

Tracking the strength of the website through Google Analytics and how to use Google analytics has been leveled up significantly. Besides tracking visitors, the tool can identify the source, the time they spent, the kind of content they viewed, and which keywords worked. There is a lot more you can do with this tool. Here are some tips for using Google analytics:
1. The Quick Overview – As soon as you log into your Google Analytics account you can have a dashboard ready with all the relevant data you wish to access. Not just that, you can also create multiple dashboards with multiple widgets to have everything in one place.
2. Bounce Rate – This tells if the visitor is leaving the page as soon they come on it. This will help you determine and make important changes in the page layout, the content, and call-to-action for bringing about effective results.
3. Conquer New Markets – Google Analytics provides geographical traffic details. Inspecting these can help you plan to expand in countries from where the traffic is coming.
4. What Works Best – Won’t it be great to know which online campaigns bring about high traffic and conversion? Of course, it would and the advance segment can help you track this for both local and global search profiles.
5. Visualize Important Things – Understanding statistics can sometimes be difficult and cumbersome for people. Google Analytics helps mitigate these problems by letting you visually represent data. The In-Page Analytics can help you get data for the page that is the most clicked. You can then place the most popular links right on the home page to keep customers engaged.