As you already know, getting enough sleep is essential for our brains and bodies. A good night’s sleep may help you focus, improve your memory, make better decisions, and boost your mood. So if you need to drink coffee all day long because of restless nights, you should look for the problem. And we can almost bet that your bedroom might be the source of the problem. Therefore, changing your nighttime routine and your bedroom’s design might significantly improve your sleep quality. So whether you want to make yourself the best relaxation oasis or to overcome sleep problems, here is how you can optimize your bedroom for better sleep and sweeter dreams.
If you are more proactive towards a healthy lifestyle of your family, then you should surely checkout the Home Doctor Guidebook for some interesting insights in your daily lives.
Paint your dreams in cool colors
Almost everything you have in your bedroom can influence the quality of your sleep, starting with your bed and ending with the walls. As a result, one of the first things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep is to repaint the walls. Use cooler yet soothing colors that put you at ease and make you want to be around them. For instance, colors such as light blue, gray, silver, green, and lavender, as well as neutral hues, are suitable. In reality, a recent study revealed that people who sleep in blue bedrooms sleep better and for a longer time. Other hues that improved sleep quality in the study were a soft green, pale yellow, or silver.
At the same time, try to avoid shades of red or purple. These colors appear to cause anxiety by increasing blood pressure. Additionally, avoid using dark hues in the bedroom. They may be better for sleeping during the day but are not ideal for sleeping at night.

The clutter and TV in your bedroom are demode
A cluttered or untidy room might keep you from dozing off and feeling comfortable. On the other hand, spending only a few minutes a day tidying and ensuring everything has a “place” can help you optimize your bedroom for better sleep. Therefore, ensure that your bedroom only has bedroom-related items rather than stuff you dragged after yourself throughout the day. Keep food off the bed, bills off the nightstand, and your clothing in the closet, not scattered around.
Also, try to keep the television out of the bedroom as much as possible. The TV should stay in the living or family room rather than in the room where you should sleep. The motion and sound excite your thoughts, while the light hinders your body’s natural clock from properly regulating sleep. Furthermore, watching television before bedtime can lead to sleep issues in infants and toddlers, such as insomnia and increased anxiety.
Remove gadgets too
Having gadgets around when you go to bed or wake up can disrupt your sleep behavior. Blue light blocks the sleep hormone melatonin, thus keeping you awake for longer. Furthermore, checking your emails or newsfeed before bed can cause anxiety and negative feelings. At the same time, if you check your phone first thing in the morning, you may feel tired and weary later in the day. Instead, you should start your day stretching, breathing fresh air, and having a good breakfast, not losing an hour on your phone. Because, let’s be honest here, that is what usually happens.
Not to add that if you have an alarm set and your phone is nearby, you will hit the snooze button several times before getting out of bed. And that is another bad habit that can cause sleep issues. Therefore, keep your gadgets out of your bedroom if you want to optimize it for better sleep. Believe us. You’ll be glad you did it afterward!

You sleep the way you make your bed
You probably know this already, but we just have to say it: your mattress, pillows, and sheets play an essential role in the quality of your sleep. But, you need to test them to see if they work for you, as they are not all the same. Our advice, however, is to choose items made of natural materials that breathe and drain moisture. Also, look for hypoallergenic materials if you know you are allergic to mites. We know it’s hard to sleep while sneezing.
In addition, buy a large enough bed to prevent sleeping crookedly. You will avoid waking up more tired than when you went to bed. Ideally, if you need to move into a new home, you should know all the dimensions of the bedroom and the furniture you want to put in from the beginning. This pre-move measuring will eliminate any possibility that the bed won’t fit in your new bedroom.

Relax your senses before going to bed
There is such a thing as the ideal sleeping environment. And the best thing is that you can reproduce it in your home. For instance, you can use some speakers to play soothing music or white noise machines. For smell, you can use aromatherapy with lavender essential oil. It is a relaxing and calming scent that can help you sleep better. For light, use drapes or curtains that block the light from outside. If you must use a bedside lamp, choose low-temperature and intensity lightbulbs to help you fall asleep quickly. Last but not least, set the temperature in the room somewhere between 61 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. A chiller bedroom is much better for sleeping than a heated one.
Bottom line
We all have different preferences when it comes to making our bedrooms comfortable. However, one thing that we can agree on is that we do need sleep to function normally and enhance our brains. And even if you don’t spend too many hours of your waking time in your bedroom, you can still enjoy it to the fullest at night. As a result, you can apply our tips on how to optimize your bedroom for better sleep to get the quality sleep you want in a pleasant and clean setting. Start by choosing relaxing colors that you like, keep the room clean and tidy, and remove any electronics that may disrupt your sleep. In addition, use comfortable sheets, pillows, and blankets, and prepare your senses for sleeping. If you do so, Morpheus will come to visit very soon!