Have you ever tried working from your bed or while reclining on your sofa? You probably assumed you’d be at ease, but we’re willing to bet you left with sore back, neck, and shoulder muscles.
Working on a laptop for several hours a day might cause back and neck pain. To make matters worse, many people prefer to work at the kitchen counter or bent over a coffee table rather than at a table or workstation with a chair. All of this leads to excruciating backache!
We urge you not to neglect your back and let’s have a look at a few reasons to get a better idea of why your back is so important.
Importance of Strong Back Muscles
- Maintaining a Neutral Spine — The spine/spinal cord has a natural curvature that allows humans to operate, move, and maintain balance. It can sustain load/weight in its natural curvature, and our mobility and performance are entirely reliant on it.
- The Central Nervous System (CNS) is made up of the spinal cord and your brain, and it must be protected at all times. To do so, your back muscles must be strong, as they serve as the armor for your spinal cord.
- Avoid degenerative disorders such as lumbar lordosis, kyphosis, slipped discs, postural issues, cervical spondylosis, and others.
- A well-developed back is attractive to both men and women; it gives you confidence and positive body language.
Now that you are aware of the significance of a healthy back. Further, let's evaluate the causes for back pain:
Causes for Back Pain
- Muscle or tendon pull
A hurting back can be caused by lifting boxes, sitting in a chair for long periods, or even sleeping in an uncomfortable posture. This usually indicates that one of your back’s many muscles and tendons has been strained or sprained. Tightness and spasms can result from back discomfort caused by a strained muscle or ligament.
- Stress
Your spine is responsible for keeping your body upright. When your back muscles are forced to work harder than usual, it can create pain and suffering in your back. Excess weight and poor posture can also put extra strain on your spine.
- Poor posture
When using computers, adopting a severely slumped seating position might lead to greater back and shoulder difficulties over time. Back discomfort might also be caused by commonplace activity or improper posture.
Twisting, coughing, or sneezing is examples of muscle tension over-stretching.
- Inflammation
Although inflammation is a typical immunological reaction, it can nonetheless produce discomfort in the form of heat and pain. Chronic back and spine pain can occur if inflammation persists due to an injury or disease.
Understanding both the causes and implications of backache allows us to illustrate the best possible stretches for your back!
7 Best Stretches for Your Back
Back pain is frequent whether you work from home or in an office. So, what options do you have? Spend as much time as possible working in a neutral posture–a comfortable body position with no painfully bent or twisted body parts–and walk around regularly to encourage circulation.
To cure your agonizing discomfort when working at a computer, pay attention to the following seven stretches:
Cobra Pose

This yoga posture can help you stretch your lower back and abdominal muscles. Begin by lying down on your stomach with your legs stretched out behind you. Make a 90° angle with the floor by planting your elbows and palms on the ground. Slowly contract your abs and lift your body off the ground with the help of your abs. Only go as far as your abs can still control your movement. Keep your hips on the ground and hold for ten seconds once you’ve achieved a nice stretch.
Child Pose
Begin on all fours with your arms stretched as far out in front of you as possible. This stretch can assist in lengthening your back and can be a great stress reliever. Then, move your glutes back to a position where they are slightly above or on top of your heels. Put your brow on the ground. Hold for twenty seconds, then repeat as many times as you feel comfortable.
Kneeling to the chest
This stretch will correct your pelvis while also stretching your lower back and back muscles. Lie flat on your back with your toes pointing upwards. Bend your right knee slowly and bring it up to your chest. Pull your knee towards your chest by wrapping your arms around your thigh, knee, or shin. Hold for 20 seconds before extending your knee.
Seated Piriformis Stretch
This stretch is intended to help the piriformis muscle lengthen over time. Sciatica, or leg discomfort that radiates, is frequently caused by this muscle. Cross your left leg across your right leg with your foot next to your thigh and tuck your right leg in towards your buttocks while sitting with a straight back. Place your right arm on your leg as shown and stretch slowly. Maintain a straight back and a lifted chest. Hold for 20 seconds before switching sides three times.
Stretching the Lower Trunk
This stretch strengthens core abdominal muscles while improving lumbar spine mobility, rotation, and flexibility. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. To stabilize your spine, contract your abdominals. Slowly rotate knees to one side with arms outstretched and knees together and hold. Make a 180-degree turn to the other side—rep 5-10 times more.
Press-ups stretch the abdominals and improve lumbar extension mobility. Place your hands behind your shoulders and lay down on the floor. As if you’re doing a push-up, raise your shoulders. Keep your hips firmly planted on the floor. Return to the floor after holding the position for 2-3 seconds. Repeat 5–10 times more.
Cat/Cow Pose
This simple stretch promotes lumbar spine flexion and extension mobility, which includes forward and backward bending. Slowly alternate between arching and rounding your back on your hands and knees so that all three portions of your spine—lumbar (lower), thoracic (middle), and cervical (upper)—extend and flex simultaneously. Don’t rush it. Take it slowly and gently. It will take three to four seconds for one cycle to complete. Five or six times, repeat this stretch.

Prime Takeaway
Back discomfort is a prevalent issue that can harm one’s overall health and well-being. Stretching the back muscles through the above-mentioned easy exercises regularly can assist in loosening and strengthen muscles, which can help to improve posture and lessen back pain.
Stretching can help you gain strength, relieve back pain, and improve your performance. So, how long are you going to wait? Stretch! Every two hours, set the alarm on your phone to remind you to get up and stretch.
Procommun Suggestions